PixHELL Brains


''Important Note: If you haven't seen a Let's Play series called "Pixel Brains" then this will not make any sense''



O EVERYONE, HAVE YOU EVER WONDERED WHY STEVE AND RON SKIPPED LEVEL 1 AND 2 IN THE PIXEL BRAINS PLAYTHROUGH OF MARIO 3? WELL i'LL TELL YOU. Once upon a time,  I was an intern for YouTube and I was such a big fan of Pixel Brains, much like everyone else. I always liked watching steve and ron dick around in a series games. A "tit" hear, and a "augh!" there, it was hilarious. But after waht I saw, I don't think I can ever watch another one of Steve's videos. It all happened one night when I was monitoring some videos that were getting deleted and I saw something very unusual, I saw a video labeled "SMB3PIXALBRANESpart19.WMV"


was over joyed, I got to see a the next episode earlier than everyone else. So I started watching the video. The video started like normal, showing the Title Card of Mario 3 with Steve laughing hard and Ron getting attacked by a fish. But for a .5725 seconds,I saw a very demonic picture of Steve with Satanic smile, his ears were replaced with Devil Horns, he had a hyper-realistic blood on his clothes. Ron looked even worse, he was being burned alive and had a hyper-realistic expression of anguish, the angry sun in the back had a evil smile, and the title said "SUPER MARIO BROS. 666" I thought it was a gltich so I just shrugged it off, the video continued and we hear Steve greet the audience, but this time, he sounded very angry and tired. It was Ron's turn so he went and started, Ron didn't sound any better, he was worried like something was about to happen to him if he did something wrong.


he level started and Ron tries to jump from one side to another but he fell. Steve started shouting at Ron and said, "You fucking fuck, you coudln't even do that right!" but it wasn't happy-anger,


o then it was Ron's turn, he tried level 1 again but this time was different, Luigi was replaced with Ron and he looked very unsure but for some reason, Ron was passing through the stage with ease. The music was what scared the shit out of me, it was the mario theme but backwards and the background looked like they were in hell, like real hell, there was fire everywhere and hyper-realistic blood on the floor. During the course of this stage, Steve sounded like he was chanting something in some satanic language. As Ron beat the stage, Steve shouted "AND THEN THE SKY TURNED RED" I screamed! Then some weird devil shit happened and the Lucifer/Satan thing came out onto the world map and was tearing everything up. Steve and Ron both said in unison, "LOOK OUT BEHIND YOU!" and I did. I looked back and my door had nothing there. I looked back at the screen and some static figure was coming out of my computer. I was scared and then when the figure got out, it looked at me with it's cold  red stare and said "Only for $3 extra, you can add a 2 Liter Coke, only at your Pizza Hut"


!!! So than I ran to the bathroom cause I think I was halucinating. I went back to the room and saw that Steve and Ron were both staring at me and I was freaking out, they looked so Hyper-Realistic, like if i touched them, I'd get Steve on my finger. Ron said, "I'm pissing on the floor" then Steve made a very loud screech which hurt my ears, even though my volume was very low... A few days later, the real Episode 19 of Pixel Brains was out, and the small text that read "Steve was having some mic problems! Sorry!" I bet no one knew what that meant, but I did, to this day I could never watch Steve's videos again.